Every year, it is essential to service your coffee machine to keep it working in the most efficient and safe way possible. This is due to the Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR) set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which requires an annual inspection of pressure systems, such as those used in coffee machines.

In addition to this legal requirement, there are a number of reasons why servicing your coffee machine every year are important for hygiene, reliability, and espresso
quality. In this article, we’ll look at why you need to service your coffee machine every year.
Important for Hygiene
Servicing your coffee machine annually is essential for hygiene reasons. During the service process, all components of the equipment are inspected and cleaned, removing dirt and minimizing the risk of bacterial contamination from old milk residues.
Additionally, you should always use fresh water when making coffee beverages with your machine, as water can contain harmful bacteria if left sitting in the tank or pipes for too
long. An annual service ensures that all areas that come into contact with food or beverages are thoroughly washed and sanitized.
Reliability and Longevity
Servicing your coffee machine on an annual basis is also important for maintaining its reliability and longevity. This involves checking all parts of the machine including
seals, valves, gaskets, and O-rings - any signs of damage could be indicative of a fault that would need repair or replacement before bigger problems occur down the line.
It’s also a good opportunity to check for any loose connections or corroded wiring which could cause faults or even fire risks if not spotted early enough. Electrical safety testing should be carried out every 12 months according to HSE regulations; having this done during a service visit offers greater convenience at minimal cost compared with separate visits scheduled just for safety testing purposes alone.
Crucial For Espresso Quality
Last but certainly not least - servicing is essential for maintaining espresso quality from your machine over time. The internal mechanisms within the unit can become clogged up with grinds over time affecting extraction pressure and resulting in weak espresso shots being produced.
A service visit will include decalcifying any scale build-up inside the system; cleaning all components including group heads; replacing any worn seals/o-rings; calibrating/ programming settings if necessary; as well as other routine maintenance tasks - all of which help maintain excellent espresso quality over time!
Servicing your coffee machine annually is essential not only because it’s legally required by HSE but also due to its importance regarding hygiene, reliability & espresso quality. Regular servicing ensures that you get maximum enjoyment from your machine while keeping it safe at all times – saving money in repairs further down the line as well as giving you better-tasting drinks!
For more information about servicing your coffee machine and the Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000, visit the HSE website.